Personal Share Portfolios

In a world where investment managers and advisors increasingly standardise investment solutions or promote their own in-house offerings, personal share portfolios are a superior way to tailor an investment solution, using underlying direct equities, not their derivatives.

  • Local share portfolio
  • Global share portfolios

Wealth Management and Advisory

We deliver truly independent and objective best of breed advice.

  • Financial planning
  • Investment advisory
  • Estate planning
  • Risk management

Passive Investment Strategies

The key to building a passive portfolio is understanding the intricate details of each exchange-traded fund (ETF) that we hold. Not all ETF’s are the same, so careful research and analysis are done by our research team to find the optimal selection in order to deliver lower market volatility and superior risk-adjusted performance. Our low-cost passive portfolios are prudently managed by our team of experts, all you have to do is decide which passive portfolio matches the risk you are willing to take.

Global Multi-Asset ETF portfolios (See attached Portfolio info sheets)

Structured Notes

  • Auto-calls
  • Equity linked capital protected notes

Treasury and Cash Management

Significant value add on foreign exchange transactions and cash management

  • Currency conversions
  • Corporate Cash Manager (CCM)

Corporate Finance

We focus on small to medium size businesses and offer corporate advisory and transaction services across all industry sectors. Our core competency is in firms with an enterprise value between R50 – R200m.

  • Business/Asset disposals and acquisitions 
  • Capital Raise
  • Valuations